Welcome to the Wiki for the Facebook game "My Vineyard"


Note June 19, 2013:
The My Vineyard facebook game was shutdown over a year ago… I was sorry to see it go. It looks like there is a company/developer that would like to create a new Vineyard style game. Take a look.

Vineyard Valley Kickstarter Project

(Stuff for the old game… )
My Vineyard is a popular Facebook game in which players inherit a vineyard. Once in control of their new vineyard, the player must learn to grow grapes, harvest and age them into fine and valuable wines. This is done through learning about the varieties of grapes available to grow, barrels available for aging and variables which can affect the ultimate value and rating of the wine produced. Vineyards can grow and expand as the player levels up and can be upgraded with homes and other decorations. In the course of clearing land for expansion, a secret hidden diary may be found which reveals secrets of the vineyard!

Helpful Hints about Special Features of this Site

  • On a couple of pages within the site, information is revealed that you may want to discover for yourself. If you see "WARNING" or "Spoiler Alert", take note and read the warning. That alerts you to the fact that information which can be found there is supposed to be discovered as you play the game. If you do not want to ruin potential surprises, then take care not to read further in those sections. If you do not mind about ruining surprises, then the information is there for you. Just click the labeled tabs.
  • If you see words in BLUE text, these are links which can either take you to another page in the site, another page outside the site (such as the My Vineyard Discussion Forums) or they may open a picture of an item. ( Click all links freely; none are harmful to you or your computer. :~)


Wiki Admins :

Pasayten (Ray Peterson) Lead Admin
Amerilis Ersery
Katheryn Gilbride
Shirley Reynolds

A big Thanks and a lot of gratitude go to our previous Admins: Billene Nicol and Adam Wilson. Adam was the brain child to this endeavor and Billene worked tirelessly to get this website up and running!!! She is responsible for much of the content in this site.

Please Note:
The Facebook game "My Vineyard" is created and supported by Playdom. This Wiki is an independent endeavor and not supported by Metaplace, Inc or Playdom.

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